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In the News
Fortune - Want to make smarter investment moves in 2025?

Article in Fortune about our research on financial mindfulness.

In the News
TriplePundit - These Behavioral Science Strategies...

Mentions our research on framing effects for life insurance messaging.

In the News
NPR's The Academic Minute | Mindfulness Meets Money (recording)

I discussed the findings from our financial mindfulness research in this short scripted segment.

Canadian Bar Association (CBA): Disclosures in the Age of AI and APIs

I joined a CBA panel discussing the complexity of disclosure and the importance of empirical evidence.

Marketing Science: Gamification and Mobile Banking Apps

We show how the discontinuation of gamification in financial services affects previously incentivized behaviors.

Journal of Marketing Research: Who Shares Fake News?

Our article: Who Shares Fake News? Uncovering Insights from Social Media Users' Post Histories has been published.

Simon Blanchard Wins 2024 Robert J. Lavidge Global Marketing Research Award

The Award recognizes a marketing practitioner or educator who has devised and successfully implemented a research/insight procedure within the last five years that has practical implications for use by others.

PSPB: Financial Mindfulness: A Scale

We develop and validate an 8-item scale to measure individual differences in financial mindfulness.

In the News
Cornell Chronicle: Acceptance seen as a key to ‘financial mindfulness’

Co-author discusses the importance of acceptance to achieve financial mindfulness, based on our research.

In the News
CNBC: 55-year-old Americans are ‘critically underprepared’ for retirement, survey finds

Interviewed about a survey showing that Gen X is expected to care for parents while having children dependents.

In the News
Business Insidier: Capital One plans to acquire Discover

Interviewed about what it means for consumers.

In the News
NPR Marketplace: Perception of mortgage rates

I discussed expectations about the left-digital bias in mortgage rates dropping just below 7%.

Working Papers
Reducing Expenses to Face the Future

We show that those who believing spending less money is the major driver of wealth allocate more to their retirement.

CFP Board Colloqiuum 2023: Behavioral Finance Award

Certified Financial Planner conference for our research on Financial Mindfulness

In the News
The Messenger: Income and credit scores

Discussing research that explains why a high-income individual may still have a low credit score.

Marketing Letters: Life Insurance, Loss Aversion and Temporal Orientation

We report the results of a field experiment and replication with young adults.

POM: Extraction of visual information to predict crowdfunding success

We highlight the importance of accounting for images and image details in studies.

In the News
Wallstreet Journal: Why Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile Want to Access Your Bank Account

Interviewed on increased of API aggregators to collect bank account details.

In the News
CNBC: The Costco customer is younger and richer than ever—here’s why

Interviewed about differences in income between Costco and Sam's Club shoppers.

JM: Beyond Income: Dynamic Consumer Financial Vulnerability

In our article at the Journal of Marketing, we challenge that financial vulnerability only affects low-income individuals.

Named: Marketing Science Institute Scholar

Marketing Science Institute Scholars honors select mid-career professors with an opportunities strengthen the institute and company partners.

ACR: Data from the Field Workshop

Presented "The mixed-method review process" as part of an invited workshop in the "Data from the Field" session. Files on dropbox.

In the News
NPR Marketplace: Spending is up, but consumer confidence isn’t

Discussion of our budget contraction work (JMR) for why discretionary spending is high while confidence in the economy is low.

In the News
CNBC: How to beat back rising prices with Memorial Day deals

Interviewed on the dangers of shopping for sales during inflation.