
JCR: Promoting Data-Richness in Consumer Research

April 27, 2022

Invited article at the Journal of Consumer Research.

The present article investigates criteria and dimensions for what constitutes data-rich articles, i.e., articles using more than one data source and their prevalence in the Journal of Consumer Research over 2018-2021. Second, we take the perspective of experimentalists(empirical researchers), pondering the benefits and risks from adding observational data(experiments) to a series of experiments (observational datasets) and providing examples of best practices and pitfalls. Third, we present recommendations to reviewers who are faced with the challenge of evaluating data-rich articles. Finally, we conclude with general recommendations regarding the state of data-rich research practices.

We discuss:

1. Provide a typology of data sources in JCR, and discuss the prevalence of their combinations

2. Developing data-richness to bolster an article's contribution

3. Navigating the review process of data-rich articles

4. Provide examples of recent data-rich articles to help develop future research

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