
Marketing Science: Gamification and Mobile Banking Apps

We show how the discontinuation of gamification in financial services affects previously incentivized behaviors.

Journal of Marketing Research: Who Shares Fake News?

Our article: Who Shares Fake News? Uncovering Insights from Social Media Users' Post Histories has been published.

PSPB: Financial Mindfulness: A Scale

We develop and validate an 8-item scale to measure individual differences in financial mindfulness.

Marketing Letters: Life Insurance, Loss Aversion and Temporal Orientation

We report the results of a field experiment and replication with young adults.

POM: Extraction of visual information to predict crowdfunding success

We highlight the importance of accounting for images and image details in studies.

JM: Beyond Income: Dynamic Consumer Financial Vulnerability

In our article at the Journal of Marketing, we challenge that financial vulnerability only affects low-income individuals.

JCR: Promoting Data-Richness in Consumer Research

Invited article at the Journal of Consumer Research where we discuss best practices for multi-method research.

JMR: Locational Choices

Article in the Journal of Marketing Research about a new task for modeling consumer preferences for proximity to others in reserved seating venues.

JM: Specialist Competitor Referrals

Article published in the Journal of Marketing about a sales tactic in which salespeople refer consumers to competitors to seal the deal.

JMR: Extracting Summary Piles from Sorting Task Data

Article published in the Journal of Marketing Research about a new methodology to analyze card sorting data.

JCR: Repayment Concentration and Consumer Motivation to Get Out of Debt

Article published in the Journal of Consumer Research about the effect repayment concentration on debt repayment.