We show how the discontinuation of gamification in financial services affects previously incentivized behaviors.
Our article: Who Shares Fake News? Uncovering Insights from Social Media Users' Post Histories has been published.
We develop and validate an 8-item scale to measure individual differences in financial mindfulness.
We report the results of a field experiment and replication with young adults.
We highlight the importance of accounting for images and image details in studies.
In our article at the Journal of Marketing, we challenge that financial vulnerability only affects low-income individuals.
Invited article at the Journal of Consumer Research where we discuss best practices for multi-method research.
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, invited commentary.
Article in the Journal of Marketing Research about a new task for modeling consumer preferences for proximity to others in reserved seating venues.
Article published in the Journal of Marketing about a sales tactic in which salespeople refer consumers to competitors to seal the deal.
Article published in the Journal of Marketing Research about a new methodology to analyze card sorting data.
Article published in the Journal of Consumer Research about the effect repayment concentration on debt repayment.